13 Reasons You Should Install A Thatcham Approved GPS Tracking Device In Your Vehicle

28 November 2023

The decision to install a Thatcham-approved GPS tracking device in your vehicle is more than a mere enhancement of security; it is an investment in peace of mind and financial prudence. Thatcham Research, a respected entity in vehicle security assessment, grants its approval to devices that exemplify superior quality and effectiveness in theft prevention and vehicle recovery. This article explores the multifaceted advantages of having a Thatcham-approved GPS tracker in your vehicle, each reason underscored by its relevance and utility in today’s context.

Enhanced Vehicle Security

A Thatcham-approved GPS tracking device significantly upgrades your vehicle’s security. These systems are meticulously designed to detect unauthorised movements or tampering, instantly alerting the owner. This rapid alert mechanism not only serves as a deterrent to theft but also aids in the quick recovery of the vehicle if stolen. With vehicle theft rates showing no signs of abating, having such a robust layer of protection is essential. The sophistication of these devices means they can offer features like geofencing, which alerts you if the vehicle moves outside a predefined area, adding another dimension to your vehicle’s security.

Reduced Insurance Premiums

One of the most immediate benefits of installing a Thatcham-approved tracker is the potential reduction in insurance premiums. Insurance companies often recognise the added security these devices provide and may offer significant discounts to owners who have them installed. This not only makes the investment in a GPS tracker economically sound but also transforms it into a long-term saving opportunity. Over time, the savings accrued from lower insurance premiums can substantially offset the initial cost of the tracker, making it a financially astute decision for vehicle owners.

Peace of Mind

The assurance that a Thatcham-approved GPS tracker brings cannot be overstated. Whether your car is parked in a busy city centre, a quiet suburban street, or outside your office, the constant monitoring and protection it offers can alleviate the constant worry about vehicle safety. This is especially pertinent for individuals who find themselves parking in less secure or unfamiliar areas frequently. Knowing that your vehicle is under vigilant surveillance dissuades potential thieves and gives you a sense of security that is priceless.

Accurate and Real-Time Tracking

In the unfortunate event of theft, the accuracy and immediacy of a Thatcham-approved GPS tracker are invaluable. These devices provide real-time location tracking with remarkable precision, allowing for the immediate tracking of your vehicle. This swift and accurate localisation greatly increases the likelihood of recovering your vehicle quickly and without damage. Furthermore, the ability to track your vehicle in real-time can be useful in everyday situations, like confirming its location in large parking areas or tracking it during a family member’s use.

Compliance with Insurance Requirements

An insurance approved GPS tracker not only meets but often exceeds the requirements set by insurance companies. For owners of high-value or particularly theft-prone vehicles, insurers may insist on the installation of such trackers. Opting to have a Thatcham-approved GPS professionally fitted by experts like Rewire Security ensures compliance with insurance requirements while providing a tracker that is acknowledged for its exceptional quality and dependability. This compliance is not merely about meeting a standard; it’s about ensuring the highest level of protection for your vehicle.

Deterrent to Potential Thieves

The presence of a Thatcham-approved GPS tracker in a vehicle is a powerful deterrent to potential thieves. Criminals, aware of the advanced tracking capabilities and the increased risk of detection and apprehension, often choose to bypass vehicles equipped with these systems. This preventive aspect of the GPS tracker is crucial, as it actively discourages theft attempts, thus safeguarding your vehicle before any potential threat materialises.

Easy Recovery in Emergencies

In emergencies like accidents or breakdowns, a GPS tracker becomes an invaluable asset. By pinpointing your exact location, it ensures quick response times from emergency services, potentially reducing the impact or severity of the incident. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals who travel frequently in remote areas or for those with health conditions that might require urgent medical attention. Additionally, in situations where a driver may be incapacitated and unable to call for help, the tracker acts as a critical lifeline, communicating the vehicle’s location to emergency responders.

Monitoring for Young or Inexperienced Drivers

For parents or guardians of young or inexperienced drivers, a Thatcham-approved GPS tracker is an essential tool. It allows for monitoring of driving habits, including speed, location, and routes taken, offering a chance to guide new drivers towards safer driving practices. This not only helps in instilling responsible driving behaviour but also provides reassurance to parents about their child’s safety on the road. Furthermore, the ability to monitor driving patterns can be an educational tool, helping young drivers become more aware of their driving habits and encouraging improvements.

Maintain Vehicle Value

Vehicles equipped with advanced security features, including Thatcham-approved GPS trackers, often retain their value better than those without. Prospective buyers recognise the added value of a vehicle with a high-quality tracking system, understanding the security and potential insurance advantages it offers. This can be a crucial factor in the resale value of the vehicle, making the tracker not only a security asset but also an investment in maintaining your vehicle’s market value.

Easy to Use and Manage

Despite their advanced technology, modern Thatcham-approved GPS trackers are designed for ease of use. They typically offer user-friendly interfaces, accessible via smartphone apps or web platforms, allowing owners to effortlessly monitor their vehicle’s location, receive alerts, and in some cases, control certain vehicle features remotely. This ease of management ensures that users can fully leverage all the benefits of their GPS tracker without needing technical expertise, making it a convenient and practical addition to any vehicle.

Support and Warranty

Choosing a Thatcham-approved device often means benefiting from comprehensive customer support and warranty options. This support ensures that any technical issues or concerns with the tracker are promptly and effectively addressed, maintaining the reliability of your vehicle’s security system. The warranty, on the other hand, offers added peace of mind about the quality and longevity of the device, assuring you that your investment is protected.

Support for Stolen Vehicle Recovery Services

Thatcham-approved GPS tracking devices play a pivotal role in supporting stolen vehicle recovery services. In the unfortunate event that a vehicle is stolen, the tracker’s precise real-time location data is invaluable to police and recovery services. This collaboration between your GPS tracker and recovery services dramatically increases the likelihood of your vehicle being recovered swiftly and safely. Furthermore, the tracker’s continuous data stream can provide law enforcement with vital information, potentially aiding in broader efforts to combat vehicle theft and crime.

Eco-Friendly Driving and Cost Efficiency

Incorporating a Thatcham-approved GPS tracker can contribute to more eco-friendly driving practices. By providing data on driving habits, such as speed, idling time, and route efficiency, these devices can help drivers adopt more fuel-efficient driving styles. This not only reduces the vehicle’s carbon footprint but also leads to cost savings in terms of fuel consumption. For businesses, this translates into an environmentally responsible approach and reduced operational costs, aligning with growing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable practices in all aspects of life, including transportation.

The Takeaway

Installing a Thatcham-approved GPS tracking device in your vehicle is a decision that provides manifold benefits. From enhanced security and potential insurance savings to invaluable peace of mind and improved vehicle management, these devices prove to be an essential addition to any vehicle. As vehicle theft techniques become more sophisticated, the importance of equipping your vehicle with a reliable and approved GPS tracker cannot be overstated. It’s a small step that can make a significant difference in protecting one of your most valuable assets.

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