
Pateley Bridge cannabis raid

PolicePolice executed a warrant at a farm in the Pateley Bridge area at 7.30pm on Monday 16 July 2012, in connection with an investigation into the illegal production of a Class B drug.

As a result of the raid three people from the Harrogate area, two men aged 47 and 33 and a 21-year-old woman were arrested on suspicion of producing cannabis.

The 47-year-old man and the woman have been released on bail to allow for further enquires.

Anyone with information about people involved in the production of illegal drugs should contact North Yorkshire Police on 101. Or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


  1. So, yet more public money and police time wasted to bolster up the failed policy of prohibition.
    This policy has been an unmitigated failure and has had an awful cost to society, not only financial but in terms of human lives and misery.
    It has, in fact had the very opposite effect of it’s original stated aims.
    Due to prohibition the entire cannabis trade has been given into the hands of criminals, from whom cannabis is easily available to children and is often contaminated leading to illness.
    Looking at countries where they have started to move away from prohibition to a regulated and monitored supply chain where mature adults may purchase cannabis if they so wish we can see they have vastly reduced rates of underage consumption, and even better they have very successfully managed to split the cannabis market away from the trade in hard drugs, with the result that there are virtually no new recruits for the heroin dealers!

  2. Just came in to say I totally agree with what the person above says and I really wish more people would wake up and look at the facts and that our leaders would finally have the intelligence and the bravery to make real changes for the better.

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