Following the rejection of the recent planning variation for a larger extension to the Harrogate Spring Water bottling plant into Rotary Wood, the original application (20/01539/REMMAJ) is now being
Following the rejection of the recent planning variation for a larger extension to the Harrogate Spring Water bottling plant into Rotary Wood, the original
Pinewoods Conservation Group spoke at the Harrogate Council meeting on 10 February 2021, requesting reissuance about the use of the Rotary Fields woodland, part
Members of the Harrogate Green Party delivered messages to Harrogate Borough Council asking the planning committee to refuse the Danone Harrogate Spring Water expansion
Despite the weather, Sarah Gibbs, from Knaresborough, kept to her plan to protest against Harrogate Spring Water/ Danone outside the Harrogate Borough Council’s main